Pretty good for a first try.
This really isn't too bad, especially for a first effort.
There are some interesting sounds, and a pretty intense but repetitive rhythm.
The layering was really exceptional for most of the time-the heavy parts with tonnes of layers were the best parts of the track, by a long distance.
Other times, though, it seemed like you relied a bit too much on generic sounding synths or clichéd robotvoices to try and keep it interesting when really they had the opposite effect.
You've got alot more talent than most people when they start out, so I'd hate to see you turn into another maker of generic sounding, repetitive techno- which you come dangerously close to doing alot with this track. So take some time to really experiment with your sounds and structure, keep it diverse, and always be sure to be original. That's pretty much all the advice I've got.
Anyways, a very solid effort here, so good job, and keep it up.
If you have the time, would you kindly stop by my audio page and review my newest track, "Maybe We'll Find Retribution"? I'd appreciate it very much, thanks.
And you can find it here:">http: