...this one seems a little safe. That makes it kinda tough to review; you didn't do anything wrong here (in fact, you did a number of things exceptionally), but you also don't take many chances compositionally-this makes this something that gets old quickly and is, to me, entirely unexciting.
First off, the good stuff. There's a definite mood here, and it's a very cheerful one. All parts of the song (although at some points the bass seems a bit out of place, mood/texture wise) do go really well together. Also, structurally you do a great job with variation and interesting direction. It's very whole and complete sounding. The drums, additionally, are very well put together and sound great.
However, everything goes together a bit too nicely for my taste. Everything is very similar melodically, with a very strong sense of theme, but this actually hurts it for me because it does get old. It doesn't really create a moving, interesting atmosphere...a big part of music is that tension and release, and there's no tension here for me. Also, there's a real lack of layering here...I don't hear anything new after a second listen, and that's always pretty disappointing.
Overall, you have a pretty piece...just not one that really holds my attention. Also, I don't get the title at all. Still, the thought and effort are apparent, so keep it up.